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You would imagine that finding simple to use pepper grinders is a fairly easy thing to do. Unfortunately this is not true. I have bought a few, and even spent a fair bit of money, only to discover that they don't grind that well, or the grinding mechanism can't be changed. However I just got these spice grinders on Amazon.com. I enjoy purchasing on Amazon as they provide fast delivery, and excellent service in addition to a no questions asked refund policy. These grinders are made by Elegant Abode and I found that they are not just stylish and practical, but also they are affordable. The good thing about these grinders is they look really nice as they have elegant stainless steel tops with an attractive glass jar. They will complement any kitchen which means you can put them on your counter. I filled my salt grinder with pink salt for a great effect – just like in the product picture. Unlike other mills this set has the milling mechanism on top which means you turn them over to use. They are very simple to operate. The grinding mechanism is smooth so you don't need a lot of muscle to use them – not like others I have had. There is no need to be constantly filling them either as they take about ¾ of a cup of spice. Also they have nice lids so your pepper will stay fresh and you won't have mess on your table. One more benefit of this particular set is the ability to very easily adjust the setting to any level of coarseness you prefer. Should you require to learn further on Continue reading about this Pepper Grinder product, we know about heaps of libraries people should consider investigating. Most pepper grinders have non-adjustable grind, however you want to have exact control, particularly if you enjoy cooking. The milling mechanism is sturdy so they should last forever. Essential Abode are so confident about the quality of the mills they have a money back satisfaction guarantee. This means that if you aren't absolutely happy you can get a refund without any problems. That gives me a lot of confidence. So if you need a great set of mills then you can't get better than these. There's a link below so you can grab a set now and add some spice to your cooking.