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1) Find the right books to hide yourself in. 2) Ther... Therefore youre published! Congratulations! Now if youre similar to writers maybe you are asking yourself, now what? There are so many ways-to market your self, so many actually its sometimes difficult to-know what type you ought to chose. Learn more about like i said by browsing our forceful website. Now without engaging in your entire options, lets examine some simple things you may do to surround your-self with experts and enough education so you do not have to wonder Im posted, now what? 1) Find the right books to bury yourself in. 2) There are always a large amount of marketing options and if youre unsure which to selected heres a tip if it appears to great to be correct it probably is. Avoid hype since hype seldom takes care of. In case you choose to discover further on www.zoominfo.com/p/freddie-riboni/1708541962/, there are lots of resources you could pursue. Require references, speak with other writers. 3) You can find a great deal of information on the web if youre ready to do some research. Whether youre searching for promotional some ideas or visitors to help you promote your book you should definitely Google them first and see what you will find. 4) Find some-one you trust to talk you through the process. Whether you hire someone or met someone in your writing class, find someone you could bounce a few ideas away from who knows a and knows present book marketing trends. 5) Dont live-in a vacuum. Get out and meet other published authors. Visit writers conferences, take a look at your local PMA listings (Publishers Marketing Association) and con-sider joining them on the national-level. Also SPAN (Small Press Association of The United States) is another organization to join. These two areas offer a regular publication with tips, articles, and advice columns. 6) Do some o-nline networking via book and writing marketing boards, listed below are a number of for you to get going with Pub-forum http://www.pub-forum.net Publish-L http://www.publish-l.com Smallpub-civil http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/smallpub-civil Ind-E-Pubs includes e-books http://www.ind-e-pubs.com POD marketers http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/pod_publishers 7) Sign up for some great publishing newsletters, theres a lot of information out there and a lot of it is loaded in some of the best newsletters youll actually read John Poynters Parapublishing Tips http://www.parapublishing.com Readers and Writers http://www.writersreaders.com/ David Kremer http://www.bookmarket.com Brian Jud http://www.bookmarketing.com Book Marketing Expert http://www.amarketingexpert.com 8) Get your book reviewed perhaps this sounds like a no-brainer but youd be surprised just how many authors forget this step but its critical and heres why people like what other people like. What someone else says about your book is just a thousand times more efficient than whatever you might say. Visit www.twitter.com/doorknkrtips/ to explore the purpose of this concept. Dig up more on an affiliated essay - Click here open in a new browser window. Do reviews sell books? Well, yes I believe they do and if your book is up on Amazon or various other online portal and no people talking about it heres why a potential new reader might not be inspired to purchase. Readers seldom buy books. 9) Outline a few objectives and hit the promotional road keep it easy and keep it practical. Long, difficult, and involved marketing strategies are not only difficult to adhere to, theyre probably gonna cost you a bundle..